Showing 1–20 of 91 results

Amaranth Millet

Amaranth Millet, also known as Rajgira or Ramdana, is a grain that has been consumed for centuries in various parts of the world, particularly in Africa, India, and South America. This gluten-free and highly nutritious grain is loaded with essential vitamins such as B and C that are crucial for overall health. It also contains high levels of minerals like iron, magnesium, and calcium which are essential for the body’s functions such as muscle function and bone development. Amaranth Millet is used to make various dishes like porridge, soups, breads and even candy-like sweets in some cultures, making it a versatile food item. Moreover, research suggests that this grain may have therapeutic properties such as reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure while also aiding digestion. Overall, Amaranth Millet serves as an excellent source of healthy carbohydrates providing numerous health benefits while being a delicious addition to meals.

Barnyard Millet

Barnyard millet, also known as Echinochloa frumentacea, is a cereal grain that has been traditionally used in India and other parts of Asia for centuries. This gluten-free millet is a good source of nutrients like protein, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. It also contains antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Barnyard millet is easy to digest due to its high soluble fiber content and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes like porridges, pilafs, and flatbreads. Its unique taste, texture, and health benefits make it an ideal choice for people looking for nutritious alternatives to wheat or rice-based foods. Additionally, its drought-resistant properties make it an important crop in regions with limited access to water resources.

Bay leaves

Bay leaves are a commonly used spice in cooking that add an aromatic and slightly bitter flavor to dishes. They are the dried leaves of the bay laurel tree, native to the Mediterranean region, and have been used for culinary and medicinal purposes since ancient times. Bay leaves contain essential oils such as myrcene and eucalyptol, which contribute to their distinctive scent and flavor profile. They are usually added whole to soups, stews, sauces, and braising liquids, then removed before serving. Bay leaves also have antifungal and antibacterial properties that make them useful in natural remedies for various ailments. However, caution should be taken when handling or consuming bay leaves as they can cause digestive issues if consumed in large amounts or if not removed from dishes before eating. Overall, bay leaves are versatile spices that add depth of flavor to savory dishes while also offering potential health benefits.

Black eye beans / Lobia

Black eye beans, scientifically known as Vigna unguiculata, are a type of legume that is widely cultivated and consumed in various parts of the world. These beans are an excellent source of plant-based proteins, dietary fiber, and essential nutrients such as iron, potassium, and magnesium. They have been found to offer several health benefits including improved digestion, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood sugar levels, and better weight management. Black eye beans are versatile and can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes such as soups, stews, salads, curries and more. They are also popular in traditional African American cuisine where they are often used to prepare Hoppin’ John – a dish made with black-eyed peas and rice which is considered a symbol of good luck when eaten on New Year’s Day. Overall, black eye beans are a nutritious and delicious addition to any balanced diet.

Black pepper powder

Black pepper powder is a common spice used in both culinary and medicinal applications. Derived from the dried berries of the Piper nigrum plant, black pepper powder contains high concentrations of piperine, a bioactive compound that contributes to its distinct taste and aroma. This spice has been used for centuries in various traditional medicines due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive properties. Additionally, studies have shown that regular consumption of black pepper powder can improve cholesterol levels, enhance brain function, and even aid in weight loss efforts by increasing metabolism. When used in cooking or as a seasoning agent, black pepper powder can add depth and complexity to dishes, making it a versatile ingredient found in countless cuisines around the world. Overall, black pepper powder is a valuable ingredient with numerous potential health benefits that should be considered for incorporation into one’s diet.

Black pepper whole

Black pepper whole, also known as peppercorn, is a popular spice used in various cuisines around the world. It is derived from the fruit of the piper nigrum plant, which grows mainly in tropical regions of India and Southeast Asia. Black pepper has a pungent and slightly spicy taste with a distinct aroma that comes from its essential oil content. It is rich in antioxidants and contains important nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Many studies have also shown that black pepper can aid digestion, improve metabolism and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. Black pepper whole is typically used for grinding or crushing prior to use, allowing it to release its flavorful oils upon cooking or seasoning food dishes.

Brown Chick Peas / Kala Chana

Brown chickpeas, also known as desi or kala chana, are a variety of legume native to the Indian subcontinent. Brown chickpeas have a nutty and earthy flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes ranging from curries to salads and even snacks. These chickpeas are known for their high protein content, making them an excellent source of nutrition for vegetarians and vegans. Additionally, they contain significant amounts of dietary fiber, which helps regulate digestion and reduce overall cholesterol levels. Brown chickpeas are easily available in food stores as well as online and can be purchased either dried or canned. Whether you are an experienced chef or experimenting with Indian cuisine for the first time, incorporating brown chickpeas in your diet is sure to provide ample health benefits while adding a flavorful twist to your meals.

Buck Wheat

Buckwheat, also known as “kasha,” is a highly nutritious food that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits. Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat and is actually a fruit seed that is closely related to rhubarb and sorrel. It is gluten-free, making it an excellent alternative for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Buckwheat contains high levels of fiber, protein, and essential amino acids, which are necessary for muscle growth and tissue repair. Additionally, buckwheat contains rutin, a flavonoid that has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve circulation. Buckwheat can be enjoyed in various forms such as groats, flour, pasta or used as a substitute for rice in dishes like pilafs or stir-fries. Its versatility combined with its health benefits make buckwheat an excellent addition to any diet.

Chana Dal Split

Chana Dal Split, also known as split lentils or yellow gram, is a popular pulse consumed widely in India and other South Asian countries. It is a rich source of protein and carbohydrates, making it an excellent dietary staple for vegans and vegetarians. The legume is made by splitting the chickpea into two halves, after removing its outer layer; this process allows the dal to be easily cooked and digested. Chana Dal Split contains vital nutrients such as folate, magnesium, iron, and potassium that contribute to growth and development of the body. Its high fiber content promotes digestive health by preventing constipation and reducing cholesterol levels in blood vessels. Chana Dal Split can be prepared in myriad ways, including steam-cooking with rice or veggies to create savoury dishes like Khichdi or Tadka Dal; it also adds texture to salads and soups. Overall, chana dal split is a flavourful ingredient with nutritional benefits that go beyond satisfying one’s appetite.

Chilli Powder extra hot

Chilli Powder extra hot is a spice mixture made from the dried and ground fruits of Capsicum annuum, commonly known as chilli peppers. Known for its high heat quotient, this powder is used in numerous Indian and Mexican cuisines to add a fiery flavour to any dish. High-quality brands feature only the finest crushed chillies that are carefully selected to create a consistent heat level with each usage. This type of chilli powder can help enhance the taste profile of dishes such as curries, dips, soups and stews. Its bold taste along with its vibrant colour makes Chilli Powder extra hot an ideal ingredient for those who prefer their food spicier. However, it is important to use this spice in moderation so as not to overpower other ingredients or unaccustomed palates.

Chilli Powder normal

Chilli powder is a spice blend made by grinding dried red peppers and other spices. The amount of heat in chilli powder can vary depending on the type and blend of peppers used. Normal or generic chilli powder typically has a medium level of heat, making it suitable for a wide variety of dishes without overpowering them. It adds depth and complexity to a variety of cuisines, including Mexican, Indian, and Chinese. In addition to its taste and aroma, chilli powder also contains health-promoting properties such as anti-inflammatory compounds that can boost metabolism and aid digestion. As a professional chef or home cook, it’s important to experiment with different types and blends of chilli powder until you find one that fits your taste preferences and cooking style.

Cinnamom Powder

Cinnamon powder is a spice derived from the inner bark of several trees belonging to the genus Cinnamomum. The powder has a warm, sweet flavour and is widely used in cooking and baking for its aroma, taste, and potential health benefits. Cinnamon powder contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and may help improve insulin sensitivity by reducing blood sugar levels. It’s also high in manganese, calcium, iron and fiber which are all essential nutrients for good overall health. Cinnamon can be used as a natural preservative due to its antioxidant properties. It is commonly found as an ingredient in baked goods such as cinnamon rolls or added to beverages like hot cocoa or coffee. However, it should be consumed in moderation as excessive use can lead to potential negative side effects such as liver damage or allergic reactions. Overall, cinnamon powder is a versatile spice with numerous health benefits when added to your diet in moderate amounts.

Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon rolls are a sweet and satisfying pastry that have gained popularity all over the world. The traditional cinnamon sugar filling, combined with a soft dough and gooey icing, creates a memorable and indulgent experience. The origins of the cinnamon roll can be traced back to Sweden, where it is called kanelbulle, but today they are available in bakeries and cafes everywhere. The process of making cinnamon rolls involves making the dough from scratch, letting it rise, rolling it out into thin layers, sprinkling it with cinnamon sugar mixture, and finally baking them until golden brown. Though they may seem simple, creating the perfect cinnamon roll requires patience and skill for both preparation and presentation. With its delectable flavor profile and heartwarming appeal, the cinnamon roll has become a beloved dessert enjoyed by people all around the globe.

Cinnamon Splits

Cinnamon Splits are a delicious and popular pastry that consists of two doughnut-like pieces filled with a cinnamon-flavored cream. The pastry is then dipped in a sweet glaze and dusted with powdered sugar, giving it a delectable sweetness that is sure to satisfy any dessert lover’s cravings. Its origins can be traced back to various European countries like Denmark, Germany, and Sweden. Cinnamon Splits have become especially popular in the United States, where they can be found at many bakeries and cafes across the country. The combination of warm spices and sweet glaze creates a unique flavor profile that is hard to resist. Whether enjoyed with morning coffee or as an after-dinner treat, Cinnamon Splits remain an enduring favorite for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Clove Powder

Clove powder is a spice that is derived from the dried flower buds of clove trees, which are native to Indonesia. The powder has a strong, pungent aroma and a warm, sweet flavor that pairs well with savory and sweet dishes alike. Clove powder contains high levels of eugenol, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Additionally, it has been traditionally used in various cultures as a natural remedy for toothache relief. In the culinary world, clove powder can be used in a variety of dishes including stews, curries, baked goods, and spice blends. It’s important to use the right amount of clove powder as too much can overpower other flavors and can be overwhelming on the taste buds. When stored properly in an airtight container away from light and heat sources, clove powder can last up to six months and maintain its potency.

Cloves Whole

Cloves whole are the dried flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree, native to Indonesia. These small brownish-black buds have a pungent and sweet flavor with a warm, spicy aroma that is commonly used as a spice in various cuisines worldwide to add flavor to different dishes. The essential oil extracted from cloves also has medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, making it useful for treating toothaches, digestive issues, and respiratory problems. Cloves contain various beneficial nutrients such as Vitamin C, calcium, and iron which make them an excellent source for immunity-boosting benefits. When selecting cloves whole, one should choose those with plump buds that are free from mold or any discoloration. Proper storage is crucial for maintaining their potent taste and aroma; they should be kept in an airtight container away from moisture or direct sunlight.

Coconut Jaggery

Coconut jaggery, also known as “nariyal gur” in Hindi, is a natural sweetener made from fresh coconut sap. It is considered a healthier alternative to refined sugar due to its low glycemic index and high nutrient content. Coconut jaggery is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron and contains antioxidants that help boost immunity. Its unique caramel-like flavor adds depth to baked goods, salads, dips, dressings, and beverages like tea or coffee. Coconut jaggery is widely used in traditional medicine for its healing properties and has been known to alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders like constipation and bloating. It can be found in various forms such as blocks, powder or syrup and should be stored in an airtight container away from moisture. Organic coconut jaggery is recommended for its purity and authenticity.

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

Cold-pressed coconut oil, also known as virgin coconut oil, is a popular health supplement that has been used for centuries due to its various nutritional and medicinal properties. It is extracted by pressing the meat of mature coconuts without using heat or chemicals, preserving its natural contents. Cold-pressing preserves valuable nutrients such as lauric acid, vitamins E and K, and polyphenols that are important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Its medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have been shown to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism and reducing appetite. Additionally, cold-pressed coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation-related conditions like arthritis. The versatile oil can be consumed orally to treat digestive issues or applied topically to moisturize skin and hair. In conclusion, cold-pressed coconut oil offers a range of health benefits making it an essential addition to one’s diet and skincare regime.

Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil

Cold pressed groundnut oil, also known as peanut oil, refers to a natural vegetable oil extracted from peanuts without the use of heat or chemicals. Cold pressed groundnut oil is known for its health benefits due to its high content of unsaturated fats, which make up approximately 80% of the total fatty acid composition. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, making it an excellent choice for cooking and frying purposes. Additionally, cold-pressed groundnut oil contains no trans fat or cholesterol and has a high smoke point of around 232°C, making it ideal for deep-frying food items. Its nutty flavor and aroma make it popular in Asian cuisine as well. Due to its many health benefits and versatility in the kitchen, cold-pressed groundnut oil has become increasingly popular among nutritionists and chefs alike.

Cold Pressed Sesame Oil

Cold Pressed Sesame Oil is a nutritional powerhouse in the world of oils. This traditional oil has been extracted from sesame seeds using mechanical techniques, without any chemical processes or heat treatment. The cold pressing method allows the oil to retain its powerful antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin E, calcium, protein and healthy fats which are vital for overall wellbeing. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties, applying sesame oil topically can improve skin health by reducing dryness, wrinkles and fine lines by helping to maintain hydration levels. Additionally, it may help regulate blood sugar levels and promote heart health, due to its high omega-6 fatty acid content that reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels in the body. Cold pressed sesame oil can be used in cooking and is perfect for stir-fry recipes due to its high smoke point.